I just came back from my part time job. Second job of my life, and I thought it'd be easy since I'll just be promoting toys. I don't know, man. I've never been so WRONG in my life!
I am promoting Nerf blasters now and I thought it was quite fun - demonstrating Nerf blasters and all. It is fun! Especially for me, because I love shooting games, and I'm like a guy so.. explains a lot. However, I met this little girl. OH MY GOD, I swear, she's a little monster. She's so selfish and demanding, like a spoilt brat! I'm not even joking. I'm so pissed!
She doesn't want to share with others, even though she already has more than what she needs. I even tried to fierce her, but I wasn't very. I mean, first day of work, I don't exactly know the stuff there. And, I'm not good with dealing with kids at all, because I hate kids.
Thank god Renny was there to save my life. I don't know how many times he saved me today.. from that little monster, and he was the one who helped me with the stuff when I first stepped in... AND! When this uncle was talking to me about all sorts of crap (non-stop), the Nerf manager told Renny and he came to help me. Oh, Renny, what would I do without you.
We also went for lunch together and I found out that he's an anime fan (like me), and he likes Japanese art. He also has tattoo on his calf and chest. Woah, much! He knows about GazettE too! Somebody needs to give this guy a trophy (laugh). I can't believe this!
It also turns out that his friend was in SP, in my course. Technically, he's my senior. Singapore is too small! But they're both really nice guys, so I'm glad I met them both.
Anyway, today was boring except for that two events that happened today. Let's just look forward to tomorrow and see what else is in store for me. Hopefully, not little monsters.
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